Permission to Recharge the Batteries

MidLifer Chronicles 22

Feeling Guilty

Following last week's chronicle where I shared the feelings of tiredness and a realisation that I had been overdoing it, I have been working on taking time to down tools whether that's work or the gym.

And I say working on this because, I guess I will be like many of you. I find it hard to do. I'm a pretty driven person and work hard. i think I get a sense of validation from actually working hard and being busy. That can be an issue in itself as I have learned the difference between working hard on 'busy' stuff and working hard on stuff that actually counts towards whatever I am working towards.

Feeling busy can give you a sense of accomplishment even if we haven't moved the needle on the dial in terms of achieving the objectives or goals.

So, having realised I need to take some time out, I actually need to make it happen.

I know I teach this stuff, but I do recognise that it can be easier said than done.

Nevertheless, I gave it a good go. and experienced feelings ranging from guilt, to anxiousness, to just plain fidgety-ness (I know that's not a word but it fits so well to describe that state of feeling like I need to be doing and not quite settling down into inactivity).

It Takes Practice

It reminded me that rest just like everything else takes practice.

So this week, I have persisted and forced myself to take 20 minutes here and a half day there (yikes!) where I put away the 'to do' lists and simply sit, or walk or whatever. And even try to cultivate a feeling of boredom.

Thanks to the kind gift of a friend who gifted me the audio book of Rick Rubin, 'THe Creative Act' I have been exploring how boredom can be a real positive and a source of new and creative thinking rather than an uncomfortable state in which i fret about everything I should be doing.

And it's been really good. Don't get me wrong, it hasn't been easy, but I have found myself dozing off, or drifting off into day dream and then coming up with an idea or two. Yesterday, after an unplanned snooze in the afternoon (yes, a Friday afternoon!), I woke with an idea for a potential crime thriller. Where did that come from I hear you ask? No idea but I felt compelled to rough it out in a Word document and whether it turns into something or not, I found it really enjoyable and revitalising. I actually felt energised by doing something completely different.

So, I am going to continue with this exploration of boredom and I intend to protect some time for it as i pick back up my training and work.

My question this week is; Why don't you take ten minutes out here and there this week and practice boredom? Stare out of the window for a while or go for a walk without listening to anything on your phone or device. See what happens.

Find Out More

In the meantime, check out the podcast to check out the episodes and if you want to learn more about the support I offer in relation to helping you achieve your health and weight loss goals sustainably, visit the Academy or learn more about my more intensive Re-Shape Accelerator programmes, designed to help you to get your health back on track and establish lifelong habits for a more fulfilling midlife.

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Dave Algeo, Restless Mid-Lifer
'It is never too late to get life back on your terms and have even bigger adventures!'

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