The Phases of Weight Loss

Restless Midlifer Chronicles, part 4

Getting Honest

This week, I get honest. not that I haven't been thus far, but I have realised that things have slipped for me and I have kind of bumbled along at a plateau that hasn't changed for a while. And I know why. I'll come back to that.

This is the thing with midlife health that I think is important to be open about. It ain't easy. Just because I focus on this area in my coaching, doesn't mean I have it nailed nor that I get it right. it takes a regular effort and focus and, even then, things drift, life happens and before I know it, another week has passed.

This is why I am so focused on finding the ways that work. That fit into life and add the lowest amount of friction. It's why I believe a compassionate rather than a cruel approach to ourselves is key. And, because I have my own health goals and vision, I really want to make this work - for me and those I work with.

So, back to the honesty. I still have weight to lose - another stone. And I recognise that the different phases of weight loss present different challenges.

The 3 Phases of Weight Loss

The first two-three stone - present the challenge of getting up and running, dealing with the self-cabotage directly, and building routines. With the new challenge however, can come renewed purpose, enthusiasm and determination (that does depend on how many times round we are though).

The middle few stone - the grind. Keeping going. Accepting a slowing down of results, plateaus and doubt - doubt in the process, in yourself, that it'll ever happen. With this can come a new normal - something that feels better than before. This can help, but it can also present a bit of a trap - becoming ok with this, and parking your original goal.

The final stone - now i'm not talking getting ripped, shredded or whatever. Just that final stubborn set of pounds that, when lost, mean we are at our goal. Trouble is it can seem to take a herculean effort to shift them Things slow down, habits and discipline can drift and we can get sidetracked. (exactly where I am at the moment).

I was thinking about the above recently as I caught myself on and realised where I was. The benefit of recognising the phase I am in is really useful, because I know that I need to re-adjust the plan, but more importantly my expectations. It will take a little extra tweak here and there, a little bit of honest reflection (I've slipped back into drinking a bit more and more often, and indulging more in Rosie's crisps and lunch snacks), and an understanding that this will take longer than I had planned. It could be quicker, but I don't want to live the life I would need to live to do that. So let's get real here Dave. No shame or recriminations. Just understanding, patience and pragmatism.

So, going forward, I am removing the unconsciously imposed deadline I have clearly given myself; returning to my 'no alcohol on a school night' rule; and setting one other key rule - no snacking - have what you like, but only at, or directly following, a meal. A balanced approach, that, if I get right a little more often than I get wrong should work.

I'll report back.

So, my question to you is this.

Can you recognise a phase that might represent where you are or would be if you made a start? What one thing could you do to tweak what you do now, to move you in the direction of your goal?

Find Out More

In the meantime, check out the podcast to check out the episodes and if you want to learn more about the support I offer in relation to helping you achieve your health and weight loss goals sustainably, visit the Academy or learn more about my more intensive Re-Shape Accelerator programmes, designed to help you to get your health back on track and establish lifelong habits for a more fulfilling midlife.

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Dave Algeo, Restless Mid-Lifer
'It is never too late to get life back on your terms and have even bigger adventures!'

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