Reining myself in?

MidLifer Chronicles 17

Focusing on Op de-Moob

Its interesting how, as one goal is achieved (or not), and I embark on my renewed focus on 'Op DeMoob,' I find that elation of 'the new' kicks in and I automatically start making big plans with massive effort.

It's my default. The trouble is I have learned through years of bitter experience, just how fruitless it is to do so. I've written about this a lot before so I won't labour the point, but my tendency to go 'all in' and big, inevitably fails at the first contact with its enemy - real life.

And then I fall back into old patterns and nothing changes.

I've worked hard over the last few years to change that and one key part of that is recognising the old pattern described above at the earliest point.

So, with that in mind, I asked Mark Telford my partner in crime in the crossfit competition and fitness expert to share some wisdom on how to focus in on the weight loss and get 'Op DeMoob' done (ep 95 of the podcast).

Sound and Sensible advice

Unsurprisingly Mark, approached it with a sound and practical head. He talked me back from my 'all or nothing' approach and settled me back to the basics and to build on the foundations I have in place.

This really is the power of having peope around you whom you can trust and who care about you enough to give you the guidance you quite possibly don't want to hear.

So, for the benefit of myself and my one reader (you know who you are!), I thought I'd lay out my own 'Cabbage, Slice and Sprout' (1,3,9) plan. This will help me get clear and hold myself to account as well as helping to illustrate how the plan can provide that basis for your own efforts (replace the various elements with the goal and activities you feel work for you - and drop me a line if you want a pdf version of my 1/3/3/ plan template - hit reply or email

The Cabbage (the goal):

To get Op DeMoob done (i.e. lose the man-boobs)

The Slices (the three focus areas):

Slice 1: Activity and exercise

Slice 2: Food and Diet

Slice 3: Rest and Recuperation

Ok, so the above list of potential slices could be bigger. But that's the point of the plan - focus on the most impactful areas and then identify the key sprout-sized actions, habits and activities that will help move me to my goal:

Slice 1 Activity and Exercise:

  1. Crossfit 3-5 times per week

  2. Run 3 times per week (building up for the marathon)

  3. 5 mins Stretching before each session

Note - this may be a lot if you are just setting out on a new plan. The above has been built up and built into my life over the last 2 years and needs fine tuning and consistency - you may start with a lot lower activity if this was to be your own 'slice').

Slice 2 Food and Diet:

  1. No Beer on a school night (work in progress!)

  2. Increase daily protein intake (include every meal)

  3. Increase fruit and veg intake (more fibre and contribute to protein)

Note: this is admittedly the trickier area for me as I love sweets, biscuits and beer. So an element of discipline is required, but I also intend to make sure I fill up on the above at meal times to reduce hunger, etc. I have a couple of 'food policies' to help me:

Food policy 1 - I can have a treat but only with and after a meal and if genuinely not full

Food policy 2 - No snacking - see policy 1.

Slice 3 Rest & Recuperation:

  1. No devices 30 mins before bed - out of the room

  2. Stick to pre-zzzedtime routine - read, then listen to relaxing audio to help sleep

  3. Reduce hydration late afternoon and evening to reduce 'awakenings' (i.e. need to get up and go to the loo).

So, that's it. I have documented my plan going forward. Will it change? No doubt in small ways. I may find that one or two of the intentions/ habits just don't stick. In which case i will revisit.

But the basic framework is there. Key area for me is the snacking and the beer.

So, revisiting my plan each day in my opening and closing ceremonies will help keep this top of mind (see previous chronicles for details on that).

I'll report back.

My question this week is what goal could benefit from a plan? Pick one goal. Roughly identify the slices and the sprout sized actions and then get going. Expect to falter. Expect to tweak and change the plan. See it as a map that you will amend as your knowledge of the territory (you) grows over time. And let me know what your goal is.

Find Out More

In the meantime, check out the podcast to check out the episodes and if you want to learn more about the support I offer in relation to helping you achieve your health and weight loss goals sustainably, visit the Academy or learn more about my more intensive Re-Shape Accelerator programmes, designed to help you to get your health back on track and establish lifelong habits for a more fulfilling midlife.

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Dave Algeo, Restless Mid-Lifer
'It is never too late to get life back on your terms and have even bigger adventures!'

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