The All or Nothing kicks In

MidLifer Chronicles 18

A Run Too Far

After writing last week about the importance of reining myself in and focusing on 'doing the do' in relation to my 'cabbage, slice and sprout' plan I fell into a little trap yesterday. Nothing serious but just goes to show how 'all or nothing' can show up unexpectedly.

I returned to the running club yesterday - Sunday - in a bid to kick start my marathon training. I chose, wisely I thought, to join the 'Group 4' set of runners. This is the slower paced group who tend to aim for an hour out on the run. There are plenty of stops along the way to allow re-grouping and they are a friendly group.

Not that the other groups aren't. They are lovely - I think - to be honest I spend too much time in my pain cave trying to keep up to be any kind of sociable.

So the pace was good, the craic was canny and it was nice to get out on a Sunday morning and just move. After the hour, we returned to the start and I readied myself for home.

Then one of a small group of runners who were training for the Edinburgh marathon in May, asked me if I wanted to come with them to do a little extra.

Hmmm. Now, in hindsight I can recognise that 'all or nothing' voice saying - 'go on, go for it, think of the calories you'll burn.' But at the time, I went with that voice without thinking about the reality. I had just completed 4.5 miles, was feeling ok, but tired and on the right side of soreness. It would have been prudent to decline and accept I had made a great start to my training.

But no. I got swept up with the friendly request and the thought of doing more.

Another hour later I reached the starting point for the second time, in not so good a condition. I was ok, but I was sore. My knees, legs and hips promised me some payback later.

Nevertheless I was chuffed with myself. 9 miles done. A confidence booster. So it wasn't all bad.

The Pay-Back

Today I am hobbling about a bit. Nothing major but I can feel that I did too much. Ok, so that's not a big deal so long as I allow for the rest I now need to recover properly. The sensible part of me is kindly pointing out that I could have made it to Crossfit today if I had stayed at half the distance, rather than knowing I need today off.

Everything is a trade off isn't it? Particularly as we get older. We can do those things like run twice the amount intended. But there is a pay-off to be made.

And that's the challenge when seeking consistency. It means holding back a little in order to maintain the frequency and the intensity when required. It means, recognising that impetuousness, whilst fun, may lead to interruptions to that consistency.

And that's fine. A blast now and then is ok. So long as I can manage the 'pay-back' and honestly say the consistency is maintained overall.

So, I am not being hard on myself about yesterday. It was a nice run and enjoyable and there is a definite boost to my confidence.

Sticking with the Plan

But I am using it as a reminder - Don't get carried away Dave. Stick to the plan and the plan will serve you.

Back to the Cabbage, Slice and Sprout plan and staying on track.

My question this week is do you sometimes get carried away and overdo things? If so, don't be hard on yourself, but do reflect on how this impacts on the overall goal of consistent sprout-sweating. And learn to spot the signs of getting carried away a bit sooner.

Find Out More

In the meantime, check out the podcast to check out the episodes and if you want to learn more about the support I offer in relation to helping you achieve your health and weight loss goals sustainably, visit the Academy or learn more about my more intensive Re-Shape Accelerator programmes, designed to help you to get your health back on track and establish lifelong habits for a more fulfilling midlife.

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Dave Algeo, Restless Mid-Lifer
'It is never too late to get life back on your terms and have even bigger adventures!'

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