Worry - Stop and Understand it.

S.U.M.O. Guy on Worry pt 1

It is an awesome privelege to have had the opportunity to interview Paul McGee, the S.U.M.O. Guy recently.   

Paul is a speaker, writer and self development expert and someone I admire as a down to earth, no-nonsense practitioner.  He works internationally and shares his powerful S.U.M.O. (SHUT UP MOVE ON or STOP UNDERSTAND MOVE ON) philosophy with his audiences in a memorable and life changing way

For me, I was especially excited to talk with Paul about his book, 'How Not To Worry,' which I use as reference material for my own workshops and speaking. 

As a former worrier (still proe to it now from time to time), I tend to identify with those in my audiences who also struggle to deal with their own persistent worying.

Today is the first of four 'sprout' sized chinks of my interview with Paul and we discuss the importance of understanding Worry in order to then be able to 'Move on' and break free from it's grip.

To get your hands on Paul's Awesome 'How Not to Worry' or his 'S.U.M.O.' book, click below:

In tomorrow's blog part 2 of the interview with Paul, we delve into Paul's 'Triple A' approach to tackling peristent worrying.  Stay tuned.

Keep an eye out for the next blog.

Dave Algeo

Motivational Speaker on resilience and men's mental health. 

Feeling lost, trapped or crushed by life? Here's a short video with three tips to help you get back a sense of hope and direction.