Triple A and ditch your Worry habit

- SUMO Guy interview part 2

In part 2 of my interview with Paul McGee, SUMO Guy, we discuss Paul's Triple A strategy to deal with persistent worrying.   Paul, has a great way of simplifying things and coming up with practical tactics with a touch of humour (making them memorable).

Worry really is something that we can overcome and learn to challenge in a more rational way.  With these practical tips, it is a little easier

If you missed yesterday's blog where paul and I discuss the importance of understanding what worry is, then click here to listen.

 Read more about Paul's strategies for life and tackling worry in his books:

More tomorrow in part 3 of the interview, in which Paul and I discuss, Worthwhile and Worthless Worry.

Keep an eye out for the next blog.

Dave Algeo

Motivational Speaker on resilience and men's mental health. 

Asking yourself 'is this it?'  Have you got to a point in life where, despite working hard and building a 'great life' you still feel there's got to me more?  Here's a short video with three tips to help you get back a sense of hope and direction.