FAQ How Can I Reduce the Pressure I Put on Myself and Still Work on My Health Goals


Turning the Should’s to Could’s

I don't know about you but I regularly berate myself for all the things I should do. In fitness, health, work, family, and on. I'm good at 'should.' What about you? You see, I have long thought that should should be banned as a word. Ok, so maybe I won't go that far, but how often do you find yourself using that word in relation to you, others and the world? And how many of those occasions are you adding the pressure of rigid expectation? It can be suggestive of the 'self-cabotage' and driving of ourselves or of an inflexibility in our expectations of the world. Sprout-sized food for thought: So, this week I want to encourage you to catch yourself should-ing and change the should to could. In this short video (taken from ep 78) I suggest how you can do that in sprout-sized ways.Let's face it, never mind the should, things will either be or they won't be, you will or you won't, you can or you can't, you do it or you don't.

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Dave Algeo, Restless Mid-Lifer'It is never too late to get life back on your terms and have even bigger adventures!'dave@restlessmidlifer.com