FAQ How do I set a health and weight loss goal for 2023?


Understanding How to Leverage Motivation & Inspiration

One of the issues in my opinion with New Year's Resolutions is not that we make them and then don't seem to stick with them, but that we don't put enough time aside to consider the context and the 'why' for the goal and then don't formulate a plan that is capable of being life-proof and sustainable. The best goal is one that we can work towards despite the things that crop up in our day to day lives. But, before that, it is worth spending time thinking about what we really want, what we may even resist allowing ourselves to think about for fear of building up our hopes only to have them dashed. i think we need both ingredients in our plans. A big ambitious vision, a challenging shorter term goal and practical sprout-sized habits, rituals and routines that. move us in that direction. In my short video today (taken form my 'Re-Shape Accelerator Programme), I encourage you to identify that longer term vision and shorter term goal. I'd love to hear your, so drop me a line at dave@restlessmidlifer.com and share it with me #weightmanagement #weightloss #weightlossjourney

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Dave Algeo, Restless Mid-Lifer' It is never too late to get life back on your terms and have even bigger adventures!'dave@restlessmidlifer.com