Building the Health Foundations In Midlife - Duncan O'Brien

The Restless Midlifer : Episode 84

Walking Your Way Back to the Gym

This week Dave is joined by Duncan O'Brien, a PT who works with clients of all ages and has a great take on wellness and movement as we age. His phrase, 'walk your way back to the gym' is on that strikes at the heart of the 'no pain no gain' mantras that many of us can fall for. As we enter and travel through midlife it's important to work with not against our body and build slowly and steadily, ensuring our health is grounded in a good fitness base level. Dave also shares his thoughts on aligning our focus, with the factors in our life and our feelings and emotions.

Duncan is a Personal Trainer, Coach, Mental Fitness Practitioner and Whole Hearted Leadership advocate. He is a recovering academic, who is now 10 years into embracing his passion for health and well-being.  After spending 9 years at university studying chemistry, a year traveling and 3 years in biomedical sales he finally took the plunge. Before and Beyond Fitness: Move, Play, Engage and Enjoy.

The Present:

  • Bodyguards Training Studio - PT

  • YesWeCan CIC - Coach and Action Learning Facilitator

  • Connected Coaching NE - Coach and Leadership Facilitator

  • uS Active - PT

You can conect with Duncan on LinkedIn and Instagram

Dave's approach to making changes in life, health and direction, is rooted in his 'sprout sweater philosophy. Check out his 'Crackerjack' video here to learn more about the basic metaphor. Check out episodes 30 and 31 to learn more about Dave's approach.

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