Frequent And Fun

daily sprout 474

Todays' daily sprout  transcript:

Frequent and fun. I'm sure most of us are aware of the guidelines on healthy, fitness, and activity. It's moving more, getting more vigorous exercise into our days and our weeks. The thing is, many of us think that that means we have to do something gruelling, unpleasant, chore-like, those things we hate. You won't sustain it. Pick things that are fun, and that you can do more frequently, and more likely to be something that you can sustain over time and have a positive impact on your wellbeing.

So, have a think and identify some options. Anything goes, so long as it's movement and activity. Walking, swimming, dancing, boxing, boxercise, running, circuit training, spinning class.  try finding something that you can do with a friend too - that way you can hold each other to regular arrangemens to get out there and move.

Keep an eye out for the next blog.


Dave Algeo, Restless Mid-Lifer
'It is never too late to get life back on your terms and have even bigger adventures!'