A word to the worriers

Tips to tackle your worrying habit

worry and stress, reducing worry

As a natural worrier, I have always been on the look out for tips on how to put 'worrying' in its' place.  Here's a quick tip i found pretty effective.  And not only that it's recognised as a therapeutic tool for those crippled with persistent worry: Rather than constantly dwelling on your worries, the advice is to 'diary in' some worry time.

Allocate a specific time period, say twnty minutes to half an hour each day (depending on how much you find yourself pre-occupied with it) and put it into your diary.

When your worry appointment is due, find a space (not a restful place - use a place where you are used to working and being productive), some paper and a pen and worry - but do so constructively.  Write down what is on your mind and why.  what are the consequences you fear and get to work on identifying whether these are rational or not.  Take the time to identify potential solutions to the problems if they are genuine or challenge any irrational worries with CBT style questions - 'is that really true?' how many times has that happened really', etc.

After the 'worry appointment,' put everything away, and consciously tell yourself that it is time to move onto other things.

If and when you catch yourself worrying or ruminating, then remind yourself of your next worry appointment, jot down a note about what the issue is and tell yourself you will deal with it then.

Persist with this process and develop the habit.  This technique has been found to be beneficial for extreme worriers.

The premise for this technique is two-fold.

1.  Worry is, like all our emotions and behaviours, a useful mechanism if used appropriately.  It flags up to our more conscious self that there may be an issue that needs attention.

2.  When you allocate a specific slot to 'worry' you can allow yourself to be both constructive when you do sit down to 'worry' and you can get into the habit of reminding yourself throughout the day when you find yourself fretting, to stop and remember that you have set tie aside for some proper worrying.

Give it a go - and let me know how you get on.

Keep an eye out for the next blog.

Dave Algeo

Motivational Speaker on resilience and men's mental health. 

Asking yourself 'is this it?'  Have you got to a point in life where, despite working hard and building a 'great life' you still feel there's got to me more?  Here's a short video with three tips to help you get back a sense of hope and direction.