Getting clear on what REALLY matters

Weekly radish podcast episode 1

podcast helping you manage stress and improve your wellbeing

As I mentioned in my blog providing episode 000 of the weekly radish podcast, I am sharing you the four episodes that made light of day before I ended it.  Find out my reasons why here

Here is episode one of the Weekly Radish podcast.  Given it was released at the start of 2018, I talk about the pros and cons of having goals and ask you three questions to help you get clear about what really matters to you... 

Show Notes...

Welcome to Episode 1 of the Weekly Radish Podcast.  As it's mid January I ask you how you are doing with your New Year's Resolution(s).  Are you motoring along with achieving it, or has it fallen by the wayside?  If the latter, don't worry, this podcast is here to help you (not just at New Year, but any time) take a more effective view and approach to achieving your goals.

And, I ask you three powerful questions intended to help you gain some clarity about your priorities and the goals you really want to achieve in your life...

1.  What is my dream life - if money were no object what life would you be living?

2.You have just found out you have five years to live.  You won't actually be sick or unwell but you have no warning of the actual date or time of your death.  You also have limited funds and resources, so need to make some decisions and prioritising.  What would you choose to do?  What needs to be put in place?  What experiences do you want to have and who do you want to share your life with?

3. Your doctor has just informed you you have 24hrs to live.  You won't feel any distress r sickness, but you only have one day left.  What would you do, who would you speak to.  What are the 'must do's' and essential things you need to sort out and experience?

I heard these questions together on the awesome  Meaningful Money podcast by Pete Matthew (relevant episode number - 48).  And they can be really powerful in helping you to identify what really matters to you in the short, medium and longer term.

Keep an eye out for the next blog.


Dave Algeo, Restless Mid-Lifer
'It is never too late to get life back on your terms and have even bigger adventures!'