As a woman do I need to be worried about weight training and building muscle?


I often get this question a lot, particularly since i talk about Crossfit a lot to, well pretty much anyone who will listen. There is still a perception that, for women, resistance training will result in big muscles and, in their words, a less feminine physique. Setting aside what actually is a ‘feminine physique and the rights and wrongs of cultural expectations, etc, I give my thoughts here - focused on the benefits of resistance training to anyone, particularly midlifers of any gender, in enhancing our health and setting us up in terms of longevity. I will be seeking out a female guest expert or two for the Restless Midlifer Podcast to expand on this.


If you are interested in learning more about my coaching and the MidLife Re-Shape Academy, click here - it’s a great way to get the information you need, in a structured, but flexible way whilst being supported by me and the community as you embark on and ultimately reach your health and weight loss goals.

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Dave Algeo, Restless Mid-Lifer'It is never too late to get life back on your terms and have even bigger adventures!'