Posts in Podcast
Focusing In on Weight Loss for "Op De-Moob" - Interview with Mark Telford and Emma Williams

It's episode 95. This week I am joined by two guests, Mark Telford and Emma Williams. We discuss the recent Northern Championships Crossfit Competition in which Mark and I competed as a team and at which Emma provided some awesome support.

We discuss lessons learned and more importantly the next steps in my journey to focus on getting "op De-Moob' (my efforts to lose the man boobs) done!.

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Our Brains Are Amazing... But Their Timing Sucks - 3 routines to fix that

This week Dave marvels at the power of our brains but identifies why its timing can be rubbish when it comes to brining worries, ideas and things you have to do to your attention. Have you ever settled down to sleep only to find you brain chimes in with a load of stuff resulting in you being unable to switch off and hours of staring at the ceiling? Or have you woken at 4am only to have you brain air a few things with you - sleep banished for the rest of the night? Chances are as a busy midlifer you will have experienced that numerous times. The trouble is we then don't recharge our batteries and cope less well the next day, leading to falling off our health and weight loss plans.

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Building Better Relationships - Interview with Phil Airson

t's episode 92. This week I share my thoughts on allowing yourself to dream and follow your heart. Many of us struggle to put ourselves first and really consider what they really want from life. I remind you that 'you do not owe the world your soul.' I am also joined by coach Phil Airson. Phil specialises in developing great relationships and showing up powerfully and positively in all aspects of life. We explore what relationships are key and how to improve them. It all starts with your relationship with yourself.

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Working Happy; Making work healthier - Interview with Greg Ketner

It's episode 91 and I share my 'Frazzles Insight' and explore how the power of deliberate distraction can help reduce the number of those lapses that can undermine our goals. I am delighted to be joined by  Greg Ketner , founder of 'Work Happy.' Greg is based in Walla Walla, Washington in the US and uses his stand-up comedy skills to support organisations in developing a happier work culture.

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Breaking Free from Emotional Strain - Interview with Fiona Maguire

It's episode 90 and in this week's episode I share some tips on making incremental improvements to your health habits whilst avoiding going all in on perfectionism. I am also joined by Intuitive Transformational Coach Fiona Maguire. Fiona has a wealth of experience working with clients in helping them understand their emotional lives and manage them more positively. We explore Fiona's journey from NHS psychotherapist to intuitive coach and learn how Fiona came to understand her own high sensitive nature, combined with being an empath, has served her amazingly well in her work.

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Building your Health goals for 2023 - The 5 Pillars of Health - Interview with Rachel Williams

It's episode 89 and I mark the new year with a great interview with  Rachel Williams , owner of Zest Lifestyle and employee wellness consultant. Rachel has a great midlife transformation story relating to shifting from a high stress, high octane corporate job costing her health, to a refocus on wellbeing and shares her approach to improving health of clients.

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Making 2023 a Healthier and More Successful Year. Interview with Dave Armstrong

It's the final episode of 2022! Continuing the theme of getting ready to make 2023 an awesome year for our health and life, I share my own experiences with making the incremental changes (sprout-sweating) and how they can lead to dramatic shifts in our health and life. I share how I have improved my own health over the years, including my recent health check numbers, by ditching the all or nothing approach and sticking with the steady, consistent sprout-sweating.

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Planning for a Great 2023 and a Brilliant Life - Interview with Chris Brown

2023 is looming as is the festive period. It's a time that naturally draws us to reflection and hope for the future and the inevitable New Year's Resolution. In this week's episode I share some thoughts on how to get some rough planning in now and some questions to consider as we head in to 2023. I am also joined by Chris brown who shares his thoughts on shaping up a brilliant life after work or retirement. Chris shares some great insights and tools to encourage you to start now to shape up your life.

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The Phases of the Weight Loss Journey and more

This week sees the second Q&A episode in which Dave answers some common questions from listeners and clients. This week he expands on how he sees the weight loss journey in four phases which can help those embarking on the journey to see and prepare for the differing challenges. He also gives his views on the approaches of the likes of David Goggins and Jocko Willink, as well as laying out how he sees positive thinking - the pros and cons.

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Job Crafting, Ultra-Running, and the Power of Chunking - Rob Baker

Episode 83 features a more detailed perspective on the above, along with an interview with Rob Baker. Rob has a background in positive psychology and uses this to inform his work with organisations, teams, leaders and people to help them engage more effectively with work and enjoy it more. In the podcast we explore his approach to job crafting and how that can help individuals get more from their work and we explore Rob's ultra-running. I ask him about his participation in the Dragon Back Race which was subject to an Amazon Prime documentary.

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Changing Lifetime Behaviours Habit by Habit - Interview with Jen Wilson

In this week's episode, Dave shares a visual to illustrate the power of small daily rituals and habits in supporting our health - Health kerplunk. Dave is also joined by Jen Wilson, an advanced PT with years of experience supporting behaviour change in smoking cessation, weight management and now regaining health and fitness through physical exercise and nutrition change. in the Interview Jen shares tips and ideas on how to achieve sustainable change and explains beautifully why resistance training should be part of the health mix for all midlifers, especially women.

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The Fallacy of More... Interview with David Wilkinson

Episode 80 sees the return of coach David Wilkinson, who specialises in working with family men looking to improve in aspects of their life, shares some great thoughts on some of the challenges faced and how to overcome them. In addition Dave shares some insights into the anatomy of a habit - how understanding the make up of a habit can help us develop ore powerful positive habits that can help us achieve sustainable weight loss and control.

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