Posts tagged mental health
Health and Wellness - TubbTalk Podcast

I thought I’d share here my appearance on my friend Richard Tubb’s ‘TubbTalk’ podcast. Richard works in the ‘managed service provider space (MSP’ and a lot of his listeners work in a high stress environment. In this podcast I share a range of thoughts and we exchange notes on how to make a start with improving our health, managing our headspace and stress and even losing weight.

Hope you enjoy it.

Check out the rest of Richard’s episodes and his work

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Power up Your Social Connection Engines

Coping with loneliness and isolation is increasingly featuring in my conversations with clients. Whether coaching one-to-one, or discussing the importance of supporting staff wellbeing with HR professionals, it is clear that our perception of the ongoing COVID19 restrictions is shifting.

The initial 'lockdown' could be viewed as a turbulent and bumpy flight to southern Europe. It was going to take a few hours, but we could see an end to it and had our sights set on the destination. Now, however, that same flight seems to have been re-routed.

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