We all struggle with our health from time to time. Perhaps we’ve been distracted by life or work, and before we know it, we’ve piled on a few too many pounds and feel uncomfortable in our own skin.
Read MoreDo you find your head full of work and anxiousness? Do you find yourself preoccupied with ‘what if worries?’ Are you constantly anxious about what might happen or go wrong in the future? In this blog I share a self-coaching tool to help you deal with those troublesome ‘what if worries’ and reduce your feelings of anxiety about them
Read MoreMemory test. Now, it's interesting this because it is important sometimes to just stop and just think back to where you were this time last year, or this time six months ago, even two, three, years ago.
Read MoreCoping with loneliness and isolation is increasingly featuring in my conversations with clients. Whether coaching one-to-one, or discussing the importance of supporting staff wellbeing with HR professionals, it is clear that our perception of the ongoing COVID19 restrictions is shifting.
The initial 'lockdown' could be viewed as a turbulent and bumpy flight to southern Europe. It was going to take a few hours, but we could see an end to it and had our sights set on the destination. Now, however, that same flight seems to have been re-routed.
Read MoreIn today’s daily sprout, i remind you you have more power and control over any given situation you find yourself in. Why? Well read and watch on.
Read MoreIn this episode of the weekly radish podcast I speak to Duncan O’Brien PhD and we explore the importance of physical activity and fitness on mental health and how it is important to ‘earn your way back to the gym’ after stress burnout.
Read MoreIn this episode of the weekly radish podcast, I speak to therapist Liane Collins who is a person centred therapist specialising in working with clients experiencing depression, anxiety and feeling overwhelmed by stress.
Read MoreIn this episode, recorded a couple of days after my father passed away following year of alcohol abuse and, I believe, depression, I share my raw reflections on it and why Man Sprouts and my focus on men's mental health is so important to me.
Read MoreIn episode 1 of the weekly radish podcast I share three important questions to help you get clear on your priorities - you know, the ones that really matter when the chips are down.
Read MoreI launched the weekly radish podcast to promote self-care as a core ingredient in developing personal resilience and improving mental wellbeing. In this episode I explain the context for the podcast
Read MoreIt's the end, but not really. Well, we're at 500 Daily Sprouts, and this is my point where I complete and finish. The Daily Sprout is no more but don’t let that be the end of your wellbeing journey
Read MoreIn today’s daily sprout video I share why going for your goal or seeking to achieve success is about getting to a point where the pain of not changing outweighs the pain or inconvenience of making changes to your life or your wellbeing
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